We don’t have a majority of independentdirectors on our Board and R programming assignment Company has not voluntarily applied a whole lot of company governance measures, in R programming task absence ofwhich stockholders could have more limited protections against interested director transactions, conflicts of attention and similarmatters. Federal legislations, includingthe Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, has led to R programming task adoption of a whole lot of corporate governance measures designed R programming help promote theintegrity of R programming assignment corporate control and R programming assignment securities markets. Some of those measures have been adopted in reaction R programming help legalrequirements. Others have been adopted by agencies in response R programming help R programming project necessities of countrywide securities exchanges, such asthe NYSE or R programming task NASDAQ Stock Market, on which their securities are listed. Among R programming assignment company governance measures that are requiredunder R programming task rules of countrywide securities exchanges are those that address board of directors independence, audit committeeoversight, and R programming assignment adoption of a code of ethics. Our Board of Directors is produced from two individuals, one of whom is also ourexecutive officer.